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Keto Diet

What Are Good Teas for Keto Diet and How Should You Drink Them?

Written by:

Ashley Robertson

Tea can be an ideal beverage for your keto diet, if you’re drinking the right tea. Good teas for keto diet have distinct qualities that you can look for to separate the pretenders from the real thing.

Great news about good teas for keto diet and a seamless way to fit them into your day

Keep the carb count low and burn fat. That is an oversimplified version of the ketogenic diet, but it can put you on the right path. Of course, there is plenty more required for an overall healthy diet, but staying on a low carb count will be essential for helping your body burn fat. A helpful strategy to unlock your keto potential is starting with good teas for keto diet.

The body burns carbohydrates, proteins, and fats for energy, but they don’t create the same kind of energy. Carbohydrates are the most inefficient energy source. When the body burns fat for energy, it triggers ketosis and releases ketones into your blood. Ketosis is when your body is in a kind of “super energy” state when it is burning fat. This state is more efficient, longer-lasting, and makes you feel more energetic. 

So what does tea have to do with low carbs and burning fat? More than you might think. The right teas will increase your metabolism to help you burn carbs for energy so you can get to burning the good stuff quicker. Furthermore, the wrong kind of beverages can add sneaky carbohydrates into your diet and throw you off your ketogenic track. 

What are the qualities of good teas for keto diet?

There are some essential components to fulfill to find good teas for keto diet. Above all else, you want zero carbs, caffeine, and great taste. 

Zero carbs

Carbohydrates can be challenging to avoid altogether. Plus, the body still needs carbohydrates, so you shouldn’t eliminate them entirely. If you remove carb intake from beverages, you’ve taken a big step. By allowing carbs to sneak into your diet through beverages, you can quickly lose track of your progress. 


You may have noticed the more caffeine you drink, the more you tend to poop. Caffeine can increase metabolism and help you move the process along to ketosis a little bit faster. The body can’t burn fats for energy until it burns off other energy sources. Decreasing the carbs you need to burn and increasing your metabolism gives your body a faster path towards ketosis. 

Caffeine is great for how it operates in our system, but there are also good teas for keto diet if you are caffeine sensitive. We’ll get to that soon.

Great taste

Good teas for keto diet all have great taste. The keto diet is already challenging enough because it doesn’t leave space for cheating. You don’t have to worry about wanting to cheat if you enjoy what you’re eating and drinking. A diet shouldn’t be all about depriving yourself. When you find the beverage you love that helps you stay on track, you’ve made great progress.

The top teas for your keto diet

You have to be careful with the tea you decide to drink, especially with commercial teas. Many teas have a lot of additions that can compromise the benefits you get from drinking tea.

To maintain the benefits and still have great flavor, you’ll want high-grade tea with nothing added. Your best options are nitro cold brews and loose-leaf teas. 

Why? A nitrogen infusion acts to preserve the tea without actually adding anything to the tea itself. Nitrogen gas takes up empty space in your can to prevent oxygen from degrading the beverage. Loose-leaf tea is tea in its raw form, so as long as you don’t add any sugar yourself, you know you’re good to go. 

Quivr offers a full slate of ideal options when you’re looking for the right tea. Our True Cold Nitro Black Tea is the perfect caffeinated partner for your keto diet. True Cold Nitro Hibiscus is a perfect herbal tea if you want to avoid caffeine. 

Our tea sachets are ideal if you prefer a loose-leaf style. With Golden Black Tea, Jasmine Green, and Turmeric Ginger (herbal), you have plenty of ways to find what you need. Finding a tea to enjoy with your lifestyle makes life easier. That’s why Quivr offers you a range to choose from. 


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